Our Passion
Your Engagement
Leading Europe towards a Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive work environment where everyone Belongs.
- Measure your Company’s DEIB maturity

DEIB Europe is your partner for audit, delivery & training for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging related matters. Translating the intangible to clear targets, measures & policies for all to implement within your company, increasing efficiency, innovation, productivity & revenue.
What We Do
DEIB Audit & Assessment
DEIB Sourcing & RPO services
DEIB Strategy definition & implementation
DEIB Training & Coaching
About DEIB Europe
It all started in 2018 with a single idea from a big company. One of IBM executives has pitched us the idea of supplying the well needed Data on Diversity. From candidate pool to data science it was a matter of time to notice the patterns & cohesions between Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Today topping it up with Belonging to increase employee retention we commit to use our skills to create the world we want our children to live in: inclusive, equal opportunity for all and always leaning from our past.
Ambitious but realistic, knowing that standard recruitment approach to find and KEEP this talent no longer worked, DEIB Europe became an advocate not only for DEI but developed a one of a kind Belonging strategy to make the glue “stick”. Complying to it’s talent as if they were a Key-Customer. Servicing the Organisations with the knowledge & data they need to innovate, retain & xxx

About I-Data Consult
It all started in 2018 with a single idea from a big company. IBM has pitched the idea of supplying well needed Data Scientists, Data Reporters & Big Data Experts, who stay, get involved and commit to use their skills until the end result is greater that expectation.
Ambitious but realistic, knowing that standard recruitment approach to find and KEEP this talent no longer worked, I-Data Consult became an innovative company to apply a bottom-up approach to their sourcing strategy. Complying to it’s talent as if they were a Key-Customer. A few months later a Project Manager role was acquired to manage just that in Public sector, and the rest is history.
Today, at heart of Wallonia in Belgium, We advocate for DEIB for every organisation. Providing the needed skill for bias-free recruitment, engagement & retention. GDPR compliance, connected to the right experts & talent we provide the service at top level quality correctly assess, implement & manage the desired outcome to any organisation located in Europe.
Our Approach

Observe before you act. We collect the needed data to advice on the best way forward using the state of the art technology to bring the intangible to hard core data.

Together with the key stakeholders we define the targets to achieve and the priority of actions. The ways of defining progress & teaching it forward. We implement the solutions a visualise the evolution.

Train & Coach
We bridge the gap by adding the missing links where needed through bias-free sourcing of missing talent, workshops, one-on-one training & coaching & information sharing.